
National Day of Prayer

“And He told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” Luke 18:1

May 7 (today) is the National Day of Prayer. This is a day set aside each year to turn our hearts to God in prayer. I strongly encourage you to take intentional time today to pray specifically for our nation. We pray about many personal things on a regular basis, but seldom pray for national issues or leaders. I encourage you to pray along these lines:

  1. Pray for repentance and an awareness of sin (Romans 1:18-32, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 John 1:9, Matthew 6:12-13). God will not bless our nation until we, individually, come to a place of repentance and belief that we need a Savior.
  2. Pray for the strength and growth of churches that will boldly preach the Bible and the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 3:16-4:4, Titus 2:1).
  3. Pray for the formation of new faithful Christian churches across America and the revitalization of those that have grown cold and dead in their faith (2 Thessalonians 1:3-4, Revelation 2:4-5)
  4. Pray for our national leaders: President, Vice President, Senators, Representatives, Governor, etc.. (2 Timothy 2:1-6). Pray for their salvation, wisdom, courage to do what is right before God, and to allow freedom of worship in this land.
  5. Pray for an end to abortion in our land (Exodus 20:13). Pray for the strength of organizations that counsel women toward life, and those who counsel women and men that are crushed by the guilt of their actions – may they find peace through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
  6. Pray for all who have been affected by COVID-19. Pray for those who have lost loved ones and for the healing of all who have contracted the virus. Pray for protection and stamina of those serving on the front lines in the medical field. Pray, as well, for God’s provision for those who have been affected by the economic fallout of the pandemic.
  7. Pray for a spiritual awakening across our land. Pray that the Holy Spirit would answer the prayers above and that God would be pleased to bring many to salvation in our time (Romans 10:1-3)!

May we pray in faith and with persistence. Lord, hear our prayers!

Pastor Vic