Sanctity of Human Life
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your books was written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Psalm 139:13-17
This Sunday is the 2025 National Sanctity of Human Life day. It is essential that we, as Christians, give attention to this day, and clarify our thinking once again that all human life is sacred and of importance to God. This is especially true of helpless unborn children. We live in a culture of death. Metrics of suicide continue to rise in nearly all age demographics. Physician assisted suicide has become standard fair in Canada, and people seem to no longer care that over 1,000,000 unborn children a year are purposefully killed by elective abortion every year in the US. According to the Guttmacher Institute, there were an estimated 1,025,690 surgical abortions in the US last year. This count does not include self-managed abortions induced by taking abortive pills. This number represents an increase of ten percent over 2022.
This number must break our hearts and call us to personal and public action. It is vital to understand this issue first as a moral issue of life and death, and because of its gravity, it becomes a political issue. The conception of human life is an astonishing thing and every human life is valuable and has a right to live. Abortions are elective. People (women and men) make choices to kill their unborn children so they do not have to face the enormous responsibility of raising the child. Killing an unborn child is not “healthcare” for the mother. Abortion is the removal of the consequence of a sexual act.
Many things could be said on this serious topic. Let me summarize a few. First, God has declared children to be a blessing. Most in our day do not believe God’s pronouncement. Most people see children as a life-altering drag on their personal career goals, educational goals, pursuit of affluence, and chance to retire early. This mentality is all about selfish living – life being about you and what you can achieve and enjoy. This is why the birth rate is falling in all secular western countries. However, the Christian life is to be a self-sacrificing life. The Christian life is about dying to ourselves in service to others. God directly and specifically uses the obligation of children to sanctify us and teach us what it means to love and serve another person. Children especially fall into this category. Children need us. For many years a child left alone will die. Our care and love for them can nurture them up to a place of beautiful thriving, also changing us for the better along the way.
For the mother that cannot see a way forward to care for the child she is carrying, please understand the real option of adoption. There really are people that will gladly adopt and raise your unborn child. Abortion may end the child’s life, but it does not end the moral guilt of knowing you have taken an innocent life. There are local ministries and this church that will help you through the term of the pregnancy and find a solid adoption placement for your child. You will regret abortion, but you will never regret letting your child live.
Understand that abortion is not an unpardonable sin. Millions of Americans have killed their children and now live with that weight. The gospel of Jesus Christ is about repentance and grace. You must confess your sin and recognize it for the wrong that it was, but in this God will forgive your sin, give you His peace, and make you a new person. Jesus came to forgive sinners and make them new. The eternal life of Jesus will change everything about your life, taking you down a new and different road of joyful living. In Christ we walk in new ways, not like our past. In Christ we see the value and purpose of God’s commands.
This Sunday Mark Campbell will be preaching to us on this subject. Mark is a friend, brother in Christ, and is passionate about sanctity of human life issues. See his bio below:
Mark Campbell is the City Missionary for the North American Mission Board (NAMB) in Washington DC. He is dedicated to recruiting, assessing, training, coaching, and supporting church planters throughout the Metro Washington DC area. Prior to his work with NAMB, Mark served as a church planter in the Washington DC area and Charlottesville, VA, for over ten years, seeing three churches planted. Additionally, Mark serves as the Executive Director of The Vox Project, a pro-life advocacy organization dedicated to inspiring and equipping pastors and leaders to be voices for life. He holds a Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science in Speech Communications from James Madison University. Mark has been married to his High School sweetheart, Jaime, for 21 years and they have three incredible children, Grace (19), John (15), and Walker (13).
May we be the voice and advocate for unborn children that cannot speak for themselves,
Pastor Vic