Redeemer Men love the Gospel and stand shoulder to shoulder, taking on the challenges of leading and loving our families well, while living honorable lives inside the church and marketplace.



  • Mike Patterson, Senior Men, 1130, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, Fredericksburg (22407)


  • Clay Hicks, men, John, 6:30 AM, IHOP in Central Park


This event will be held rain or shine.

Who: All Men of the church (and their sons)

What: Men’s Wilderness Weekend Fellowship. A time for the men of the church to gather together for a weekend of Outdoor fun that includes, Camping, Fishing, Recreational shooting, outdoor games, Food, Fellowship, and Worshiping through Song and a message from God’s Word.

When: The Weekend of Friday, 6 October – Saturday, 7 October (Saturday will include the main Fellowship Event)

Where: Ira North’s local property: 7011 Block House Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22551

Why: Because men (of all ages) have a unique role in the body of Christ, both within the home and the church, and it is essential to stand together to strengthen and encourage one another on how to be better equipped to live out those roles.

** Come join us for the weekend as your schedules allow, or just for the main fellowship event on Saturday, for Food, Fellowship, recreation and games, and worshiping through song and the studying of God’s Word.
Overview of the weekend events

Friday, 6 Oct:

  • Come out after work and set up camp and be prepared to stay the night. Bring your camping equipment, fishing gear, kayaks, canoes, 4 wheelers, firearms for supervised recreational shooting.
  • Feel free to bring additional outdoor games (Corn Hole, Horse Shoes, etc.)

Saturday, 7 Oct:

  • For those campers, wake up with the rising sun, enjoy more fishing, kayaking, canoeing, 4 wheeling on the trails, and recreational shooting. For those coming out on Saturday, bring your chairs, fishing tackle, kayaks, canoes, and games to enjoy the day of outdoor activities.
  • Main Fellowship Event (1400-1800):
    • 1400-1600: Fellowship, outdoor activities (fish, kayak, 4 wheeling, recreational shooting, etc.)
    • 1600-1700: Main Meal (BBQ and the fixins)
    • 1700-1715: Worship through song1715-1800: Sharing of God’s Word/message (guest speaker)
    • 1800-????: Stick around for more outdoor fun, fellowship, fishing, camping, etc.

Sunday, 8 Oct: (pack up and attend 0930 or 1100 RBC Worship Service)