Join Us Sundays at Spotsy Village

Welcome! So glad you’ve visited our online home! Here, you’ll find out who we are, when we gather, and what we are about. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you soon.

Services will be held weekly at the following times:

9:30am – Worship & nursery
11:00am – Worship, nursery, & all children classes up through 5th grade.
Adult classes  mostly meet in homes during the week. We have classes that meet at Redeemer on Sunday mornings.

For those not able to join us in person, we livestream our 9:30 service
each week on YouTube and Facebook. If you miss a service, you can watch the
video in our media library, on our YouTube channel, or catch audio only on
our podcast.

We look forward to seeing you soon! 

 Address: 7610 Heths Salient St, Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22553

Upcoming Events

Oct 13 – Lord’s Supper

Oct 19 – Fall Gathering

Oct 20 – Baptism

Oct 21 – Prayer Meeting

Oct 27 – Covenant Sunday

Nov 3 – Child Dedication


“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

Ephesian 5:1-2

Last Sermon

Discerning God’s Will

We can’t wait to fellowship all together at this beautiful location! Please RSVP and sign up to bring something.

It is very helpful when the Norths have items before the picnic. This makes it easier on picnic day for setting up. Please bring non-perishable items to the church by October 16, labeled “Fall Picnic.”  You may bring food dishes directly to the picnic on Saturday the 19th or schedule to drop off the day before.

<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">RSVP </a>here
Fall Gathering Oct 19, 1-4 pm
We can’t wait to fellowship all together at this beautiful location! Please RSVP and sign up to bring something. It is very helpful when the Norths have items before the picnic. This makes it easier on picnic day for setting up. Please bring non-perishable items to the church by October 16, labeled “Fall Picnic.” You may bring food dishes directly to the picnic on Saturday the 19th or schedule to drop off the day before. RSVP here
At the end of the month, neighbors will be knocking on doors. If you would like share gospel tracts with your candy, we have tons at the welcome desk. Stop by and pick up some.
Tracts Oct 31
At the end of the month, neighbors will be knocking on doors. If you would like share gospel tracts with your candy, we have tons at the welcome desk. Stop by and pick up some.
Here is a quick message from Pastor Vic concerning our parking situation. <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Check it out.</a>
Parking Lot
Here is a quick message from Pastor Vic concerning our parking situation. Check it out.
The SBCV will have a third callout for SW VA.

If your credentials have expired, you may be re-credentialed online.

New volunteers need to complete online training and can have their credentials expedited to be able to respond to these immediate needs.

Credential training <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;"><span style="color:rgb(0, 97, 254);">here</span></a>
Disaster Relief Oct 20-26, 2024
The SBCV will have a third callout for SW VA. If your credentials have expired, you may be re-credentialed online. New volunteers need to complete online training and can have their credentials expedited to be able to respond to these immediate needs. Credential training here
In a dedication, parents commit to raising their child up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. It is also a time for the church, as a community, to commit to loving the family and pointing the child toward Jesus. Ages birth to fifth grade. To signup contact <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Sherry</a> or  <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">BettySue</a>
Baby/Child Dedication Nov 3, 9:30 am
In a dedication, parents commit to raising their child up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. It is also a time for the church, as a community, to commit to loving the family and pointing the child toward Jesus. Ages birth to fifth grade. To signup contact Sherry or BettySue
This year, the youth group is organizing the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas shoebox drive. If you would like to donate items, <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;"><span style="color:rgb(0, 97, 254);">click the link</span></a>  to see what’s needed. Items due at the church by Nov 3.

If you would like to fill your own box, please drop off your filled box by Nov 10.

2024 goal: 50 boxes
Christmas Shoe Boxes Nov 3
This year, the youth group is organizing the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas shoebox drive. If you would like to donate items, click the link to see what’s needed. Items due at the church by Nov 3. If you would like to fill your own box, please drop off your filled box by Nov 10. 2024 goal: 50 boxes
Joy in serving within your home, church and your community.

Join us for a conversation with our own Maria Carpenter, Alissa Bultinck, plus a representative from Choices.

More details and registration <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">here</a>
Biblical Womanhood Event Nov 9, 9:30 am to Noon
Joy in serving within your home, church and your community. Join us for a conversation with our own Maria Carpenter, Alissa Bultinck, plus a representative from Choices. More details and registration here
The fall merch should be at the church in a couple of weeks.

We do have lots of inventory of the short sleeved t-shirts. The link below lists the sizes and number of shirts for each color. There are still a few child sizes and adult “extra” sizes. Requested donation of $10 may be paid online or in person.

<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">T-shirt details</a>
The fall merch should be at the church in a couple of weeks. We do have lots of inventory of the short sleeved t-shirts. The link below lists the sizes and number of shirts for each color. There are still a few child sizes and adult “extra” sizes. Requested donation of $10 may be paid online or in person. T-shirt details
October playlist for Redeemer Bible Church has been uploaded. Listen to the music that we will worship to on Sunday mornings. <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Playlist</a>
October playlist for Redeemer Bible Church has been uploaded. Listen to the music that we will worship to on Sunday mornings. Playlist
We are in need of volunteers who are willing to prepare or buy just one meal a month. This will help to lighten the load of our Foster Care families as they focus on caring for the children in their homes. Your contribution will bring nourishment and encouragement, showing Christ’s love in a tangible way to families who are making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. 

To sign up or get more details contact  <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Penny Traber</a>
Frozen Meal Ministry
We are in need of volunteers who are willing to prepare or buy just one meal a month. This will help to lighten the load of our Foster Care families as they focus on caring for the children in their homes. Your contribution will bring nourishment and encouragement, showing Christ’s love in a tangible way to families who are making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. To sign up or get more details contact Penny Traber
We have a prayer team that would love to pray for you. Come to the welcome desk or send us an email.<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Prayer Team</a>
We have a prayer team that would love to pray for you. Come to the welcome desk or send us an email.Prayer Team
Do you have questions about baptism, or are you ready to schedule yours? Let us know! See an elder on Sunday, or email us <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Baptism</a>
Do you have questions about baptism, or are you ready to schedule yours? Let us know! See an elder on Sunday, or email us Baptism
We have a cry room in the nursery foyer for parents that need to tend to their baby but don’t want to miss the service. <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Questions</a>
Cry Room
We have a cry room in the nursery foyer for parents that need to tend to their baby but don’t want to miss the service. Questions

Vic Carpenter

Preaching Elder

More on Discerning God’s Will
“My people inquire of a piece of wood,

And their walking staff gives them oracles …”

Hosea 4:12a

The above verse is both comic and tragic. The Lord is both mocking and condemning His people for their misguided and foolish ways. It refers to their praying for guidance to a wooden idol or seeking guidance from some other bizarre place. The world is still full of such things. Everyday people make major life decisions based on internet horoscope readings, paying a ‘psychic’ to tell them the future, the latest talk show host conspiracy theory, asking a completely unqualified friend for guidance, or (literally) praying to an idol made of wood.

As Christians, we have the joy and privilege to pray directly to the living God and read His word. Israel also had access to the living sovereign God, but they willfully turned away. This past Sunday, I preached to you from Ephesians chapter 5:1-21 about discerning God’s revealed and concealed will. If you missed that sermon, I hope you will go back and listen on our YouTube or Podcast channels.

Here are some other passages that speak to the revealed will of God that you should read and note:

– Romans 12:9-13:21

– Philippians 4

– Colossians 3-4

– 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, 5:12-28

– 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18

– 1 Timothy 5-6

– The book of James is very practical for knowing God’s will!


I would like to continue with that theme here and share a few more practical methods of discerning God’s concealed will that have been helpful to me through the years. Both of these practical applications should come after understanding and walking through the theological realities I spoke to you about from Ephesians 5.


When we come to crossroad decisions in our lives we should proceed carefully. We should work hard to weigh the realities of the decisions before us, pray, and get good council. When I am facing a major decision, I always do a few things first to weigh it out. I do this by titling four pages in a notebook. The four pages are titled as follows:


1. The best things that could happen if I do this.

2. The worst things that could happen if I do this.

3. The best things that could happen if I don’t do this.

4. The worst things that could happen if I don’t do this.


These categories cause me to fully think through the situation. No matter the decision, at first, I tend to gravitate to one of the categories without fully considering all the details. You should give yourself significant time to fill out this chart. You should not fill this out over lunch! If you are married and making a major decision that will affect you and your spouse, you should BOTH fill this out separately, and only after considering alone, come back together and compare your notes. It will be very telling as to whether you have a unified heart. If your sheets are very different, you should most likely delay the decision, pray and keep working toward a genuine unified direction. This process may take months, or even years!

I also follow the pattern of Jesus when making major decisions. Jesus regularly went alone to the mountains and spent extended time in fasting and prayer before making major decisions in His life. This is a wise pattern that you can follow. I often pair the above listing / thinking exercise with a day away, by myself, fasting in the mountains. We are blessed to have the beautiful Shenandoah National Park right at our backdoor. If you’re stuck, or facing a major life decision, make time to get away to the mountains with only a water bottle, Bible, notebook, and pen – NO PHONE or digital device. Spend an extended time in prayer and clearly categorizing your thoughts. If you are married, I urge you to both enter this exercise alone and come together at the end to compare your notes. If the Lord is leading, He will lead you together.

Another major area of decision making relates to getting and changing jobs. There is basic wisdom to keep in mind here that also relates to our spiritual life. The basic categories that relate to job promotion are:

1. What you know.

2. Who you know.

3. Timing.

4. Willingness to move.


Much could be said on each of these points, but here are a few important thoughts. First, as Christians we should be constantly pursuing knowledge / new skills and growing as people. You must be qualified for a job before you can expect to get a job. If you don’t put in the time to learn what is necessary, you should not expect to be hired.


Second, once you can demonstrate to people in your life that you have a degree of job skill and competency those people can help you find employment, or better employment. The church is a wonderful place for this. If you have the knowledge / skills you need to accomplish a job, church friendships are a perfect place to also demonstrate character. Job skill and character are what good employers are looking for. The recommendation of a trusted friend is often essential for landing employment. If you don’t have the character to make and keep friendships, it says something about you as a person – something you need to fix.

Third, we must learn to patiently walk by faith. The Lord opens and closes doors of opportunity in our lives for His purposes. He is working toward spiritual sanctification in our lives. This is the most important form of life growth. He will open or withhold opportunities to teach us vital spiritual lessons. We must learn the balance of pressing forward to advance our lives, while also practicing contentment and thankfulness. As you seek, the door will be opened to you, but in the Lord’s time and way.

Fourth, the purposes of the Lord often take us to new places. Few biographies of great people relate to that person comfortably staying in their hometown. Don’t discount an opportunity just because it requires you to move. Sometimes moving location repositions our heart to trust more fully on the Lord as we go way outside our comfort zone. Often opportunity for personal advancement is not available without movement.


I hope this is helpful. May the Lord direct your path,

Pastor Vic

Connect With Us

Worship With Us

The best place to start is joining us on a Sunday morning. There's nothing like worshiping Jesus together.


We would love for you to leverage your time and talent for God's glory and the good of others by serving at Redeemer!

Connect Groups

Don't get lost in the crowd. Join a Connect Group! Redeemer Connect Groups meet at various times and locations.

Online Resources

We have sermons, studies, podcasts, and playlists that will help you grow spiritually and apply the Bible to your life.

Back to Spiritual Basics

Looking to get into a rhythm of reading the Scriptures, but aren’t sure what to read?
Pastor Vic has put together a 10-week reading plan that will help you grasp the foundational beliefs of the Christian. As you read, you’ll be equipped with questions to ask of any text that will take any study you do to the next level.

See for yourself. Click below to download the reading plan.

Grandpa's Devotions

Mike Patterson, one of our Redeemer elders, has written several devotions for young or young-in-the-faith Christians. If you’re looking for a great new Bible study to do on your own, or perhaps even with your family, Mike has you covered!

And when you finish with Grandpa Devotions, check out his library of Bible studies at