
Join Us Sundays at Spotsy Village

Welcome! So glad you’ve visited our online home! Here, you’ll find out who we are, when we gather, and what we are about. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you soon.

Services will be held weekly at the following times:

9:30am – Worship & nursery
11:00am – Worship, nursery, & all children classes up through 5th grade.
Adult classes  mostly meet in homes during the week. We have classes that meet at Redeemer on Sunday mornings.

For those not able to join us in person, we livestream our 9:30 service
each week on YouTube and Facebook. If you miss a service, you can watch the
video in our media library, on our YouTube channel, or catch audio only on
our podcast.

We look forward to seeing you soon! 

 Address: 7610 Heths Salient St, Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22553

Upcoming Events

July 28 – Teaching Standard Q & A
July 31 – Student Pool Party
Aug 5 – Craft Night
Aug 11 – Church Picnic
Aug 12 – Teaching Standard Q & A
Aug 21 – Student Ministry

Members of the Redeemer family have two upcoming opportunities to ask Vic questions about the Biblical Teaching Standard recently adopted by the Elders and any other issues related to Redeemer's doctrinal positions. The first session will be held this Sunday (July 28) at 12:30pm at the church and the second will be on Monday, August 12 at 6:30pm, also at the church. Everyone is urged to attend one of these meetings.

The Doctrinal Teaching Standard document may be accessed <a href="https://redeemerva.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Redeemer-Doctrinal-Teaching-Standard-June-2024.pdf" target="_blank">here</a>.
Q & A July 28, 12:30
Members of the Redeemer family have two upcoming opportunities to ask Vic questions about the Biblical Teaching Standard recently adopted by the Elders and any other issues related to Redeemer's doctrinal positions. The first session will be held this Sunday (July 28) at 12:30pm at the church and the second will be on Monday, August 12 at 6:30pm, also at the church. Everyone is urged to attend one of these meetings. The Doctrinal Teaching Standard document may be accessed here.
We look forward to welcoming our new sixth graders and catching up with our other Redeemer students.
Please register: <a href="https://redeemerva.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea074db57948de43fd6e8edac&id=72a72d4f6a&e=ed0026807e" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Details/Registration</a>
Student Pool Party July 31, 6-8 pm
We look forward to welcoming our new sixth graders and catching up with our other Redeemer students. Please register: Details/Registration
Craft Night has been recreated! Each month we will offer a different class. In August we will be painting pottery. Katie Hinton will be leading the class. There will be a fee to cover materials. If you need a scholarship, please let us know.
<a href="https://redeemerva.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea074db57948de43fd6e8edac&id=cc92b9f70b&e=ed0026807e" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Register</a>

Please help us keep the church cool by keeping the doors closed as much as possible.
Craft Night Aug 5, 6:30 pm
Craft Night has been recreated! Each month we will offer a different class. In August we will be painting pottery. Katie Hinton will be leading the class. There will be a fee to cover materials. If you need a scholarship, please let us know. Register Please help us keep the church cool by keeping the doors closed as much as possible.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 11 for our next gatherings in the field. This will be entirely "Bring Your Own" events (food, drink, chairs, grill, pop up tents, etc.)
Church Picnic August 11, 12:30 pm
Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 11 for our next gatherings in the field. This will be entirely "Bring Your Own" events (food, drink, chairs, grill, pop up tents, etc.)
Promotion Sunday is Aug 18. Children will move up to the next class.

Also, it will be the first day of children's classes being offered at both hours.

Please help us keep the church cool by keeping the doors closed as much as possible.
Children's Ministry Aug 18, 9:30 & 11:00
Promotion Sunday is Aug 18. Children will move up to the next class. Also, it will be the first day of children's classes being offered at both hours. Please help us keep the church cool by keeping the doors closed as much as possible.
Want to keep up with US and world events, but are tired of network news? Consider The World and Everything in It: a daily news podcast. World reports on a wide range of events both in the US and abroad that would be of interest to Christians, provides personal interest stories on subjects you will not find in network news, and  commentary on subjects that are challenging to Christians. World has been reporting the news for a decade and has refined its organization into one of particular value in our age.
<a href="" target="_blank">Podcast</a>
The World and Everything in It
Want to keep up with US and world events, but are tired of network news? Consider The World and Everything in It: a daily news podcast. World reports on a wide range of events both in the US and abroad that would be of interest to Christians, provides personal interest stories on subjects you will not find in network news, and commentary on subjects that are challenging to Christians. World has been reporting the news for a decade and has refined its organization into one of particular value in our age. Podcast
Due to recent Spotsy county requirements, we may not park in the gravel lot adjacent to the church.

We may use the commercial spots around the quad and the lot over at the Social Services building.

Please do not use the residential spaces.
Parking UPDATE
Due to recent Spotsy county requirements, we may not park in the gravel lot adjacent to the church. We may use the commercial spots around the quad and the lot over at the Social Services building. Please do not use the residential spaces.
A new year for Redeemer Students (6th-12th) begins on Wednesday, August 21, 6:30-8:30pm. Please register using this link, even if you have done so in the past. Please check that all information is up to date for returning students. New students, we can't wait to meet you! <a href="https://redeemerva.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea074db57948de43fd6e8edac&id=87c749c945&e=ed0026807e" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Register</a>
Student Ministry Fall Registration
A new year for Redeemer Students (6th-12th) begins on Wednesday, August 21, 6:30-8:30pm. Please register using this link, even if you have done so in the past. Please check that all information is up to date for returning students. New students, we can't wait to meet you! Register
Pray for the combined team from RBC Stafford and Spotsylvania as they go to Guatemala from July 27th through August 3rd to support Eyes Wide Open Ministry. They will serve with Daniel Mcintyre and his team, evangelizing, teaching, and distributing food in villages.
Pray for Guatemala Mission Team
Pray for the combined team from RBC Stafford and Spotsylvania as they go to Guatemala from July 27th through August 3rd to support Eyes Wide Open Ministry. They will serve with Daniel Mcintyre and his team, evangelizing, teaching, and distributing food in villages.
Let us know when you are ready to schedule your baptism. See an elder, come to the welcome desk on Sunday, or <a href="mailto:info@redeemervar.org?subject=Baptism">email</a> us.
Let us know when you are ready to schedule your baptism. See an elder, come to the welcome desk on Sunday, or email us.
Redeemer doesn't have an in-person office, but we do have a phone number and voice mail. Leave a message and someone will get back to you.
Church Phone 540-805-5696
Redeemer doesn't have an in-person office, but we do have a phone number and voice mail. Leave a message and someone will get back to you.
If you give online, and feel led to do so, please consider checking the box to pay the processing fee.
Finance Corner
If you give online, and feel led to do so, please consider checking the box to pay the processing fee.

Loving Orphans
“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
Maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
Deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
Psalm 82:3-4

For years we have had a strong and continuous focus on foster care and adoption at Redeemer Bible Church. I want to stoke that fire this week and keep our focus on this issue that is so close to the heart of Jesus.We first must never lose sight of the need that exists in our very community. Nationwide there are 400,000 children in foster care every year in the US. This means 400,000 kids taken into the custody of the state because their parent(s) are jailed for criminal matters, drug addiction, abusive, criminal negligence, or because the children are abandoned. If you grew up in a loving Christian home and can’t imagine how this could be a reality, give thanks for the grace given to you to be born into your home but don’t be naïve to the real tragedy of sin in this world. There are children by the many thousands growing up in unthinkably hard circumstances across the country and right here in Spotsylvania. We know that the best part of life revolves around relationship and friendship. The essence of the orphaned condition is being alone. As a child having no clear provider, protector, nurturer, or place of belonging is devastating. In our non-Christian sexually supercharged culture there is no end in sight of family breakdown and an increased number of children born outside of Christian marriage. The need for foster parents and adoption is not going away.

The entire witness of Scripture is clear that God is passionate about His people living in the opposite way of the world. The spirit of the world has always been to oppress the poor and use them to enrich oneself. God is the father to the fatherless and protector of the widow (Psalm 68:5), and He demands that His people follow in His steps. Israel was often rebuked for neglecting and abusing the poor, and the church is charged with caring for the orphan and the widow (James 1:27). In the New Testament, adoption (an orphan being brought into the care, protection, and love of family without condition or payment from the orphan) is used as an analogy of our salvation (Romans 8, Galatians 4:5, Ephesians 1:5). In relationship to God, we are the orphan. We are the one outside of relationship, abandoned, beat down by the sinfulness of the world with nothing to offer God. It is by grace and love that Jesus reaches to us and brings us in, making us new, giving us a full place in His kingdom. Having now cared for a foster child for close to two years, I believe it’s impossible to fully appreciate this analogy of salvation without being personally involved with caring for an orphan.

As Christians, we cannot turn our eyes away from this need and from these dear children. It is not the role of the world to care for the orphan. It is the responsibility of Christians according to the will of God to care for orphaned children. There is both a singular and church community responsibility. Singularly – individual families must choose to take the life-changing step to bring a foster or orphaned child into their home. Families in Redeemer should seriously consider the need, pray about the need, and some must say yes to bringing orphaned children into their homes. As a church – we must consider our role in supporting these families with direct placements. It takes the entire community of the church to physically, relationally, emotionally, and spiritually support families that bring abused, traumatized, and abandoned children into their homes. This support can come in the form of meals, babysitting for an afternoon, intentional prayer, help with the resource closet, or intentional time spent with a struggling teen.

Whatever role you may play, it will be sacrificial to your current direction of life. Let me be clear, you cannot pursue the secular American dream of personal peace and affluence and also enter into the call of Christian discipleship which requires self-sacrifice (Matthew 16:24-26). You cannot live an easy self-centered life and also take on meaningful responsibility for an orphaned child. There will come a tipping point where you choose to indulge yourself or die to yourself. I urge you to regularly pray about how you should be involved in the care of orphans in our community this year. As you pray, the Lord will open a door, lead you, and bring you to the tipping point. There will come a time when you will be personally confronted with a need that will require you to sacrifice your plans to care for another person in Jesus’ name. I pray you will say “Yes!” There is joy in obeying Jesus. There is joy in serving others. It is truly more blessed to give than to receive. There is peace in going beyond yourself and living in dependence upon Jesus every day.

Maria and I reached this point about 18 months ago when friends in the church accepted a job transfer out of state. They could not take their foster child out of state, and they asked us if we would take over the care of a six-month-old child. In short, we had a 1,000 reasons to say no to this offer, but we also felt strongly that it was God’s will for all the reasons stated above. Now, 18 months later, by the grace of God and through the constant help of family and the church, our dear Myla has become an inseparable part of our family and a joy to us every day. Every day is still a struggle and never easy, but in dependence upon the grace of Jesus and the help of the church it is possible. This world seeks to fill the empty heart by getting more things, but the heart is truly filled through giving and serving – not in receiving and indulgence.

Related to all this, the account of a true and remarkable story is being told this week. It’s the true story of a small church in “Possum Trot.” There is a movie in the theaters called “Sound of the Hope: The Story of Possum Trot,” and an interview with the pastor of the church and his wife. The Jordan Peterson podcast interview is attached below. I strongly encourage you to see and listen to both. Pray about these things! Consider the will of the Lord for your life now. Get involved with the foster care and adoption ministry at Redeemer. (click here)

Let us demonstrate the love of Jesus by caring for the fatherless,
Pastor Vic


Sound of Hope:
 The Story of Possum Trot

Listen to the conversation with Bishop and Donna Martin and hear the real life inspiration for the film.

Connect With Us

Worship With Us

The best place to start is joining us on a Sunday morning. There's nothing like worshiping Jesus together.


We would love for you to leverage your time and talent for God's glory and the good of others by serving at Redeemer!

Connect Groups

Don't get lost in the crowd. Join a Connect Group! Redeemer Connect Groups meet at various times and locations.

Online Resources

We have sermons, studies, podcasts, and playlists that will help you grow spiritually and apply the Bible to your life.

Back to Spiritual Basics

Looking to get into a rhythm of reading the Scriptures, but aren’t sure what to read?
Pastor Vic has put together a 10-week reading plan that will help you grasp the foundational beliefs of the Christian. As you read, you’ll be equipped with questions to ask of any text that will take any study you do to the next level.

See for yourself. Click below to download the reading plan.

Grandpa's Devotions

Mike Patterson, one of our Redeemer elders, has written several devotions for young or young-in-the-faith Christians. If you’re looking for a great new Bible study to do on your own, or perhaps even with your family, Mike has you covered!

And when you finish with Grandpa Devotions, check out his library of Bible studies at DoctorMikeP.com.

7610 Heths Salient St.
Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22553

Church Plants