Join Us Sundays at Spotsy Village

Welcome! So glad you’ve visited our online home! Here, you’ll find out who we are, when we gather, and what we are about. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you soon.

Services will be held weekly at the following times:

9:30am – Worship, nursery, and all children classes up through 5th grade.
11:00am – Worship, nursery, and all children classes up through 5th grade.
Adult classes  mostly meet in homes during the week. We have a couple of classes that meet at Redeemer on Sunday mornings.

For those not able to join us in person, we livestream our 9:30 service
each week on YouTube. If you miss a service, you can watch the
video in our media library, on our YouTube channel, or catch audio only on
our podcast.

Upcoming Events

Jan 31 – Merch Shop Closes

Feb 2 – Sam Rhoades Preaching

Feb 9 – Lord’s Supper

Feb 12 – Student Neon Night

Feb 14/15 – Marriage Conference

Feb 16 – Orphan Care Meeting

Feb 23 – Worship Night


“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.”

Acts 16:25

Last Sermon

Vic Carpenter: What Must I Do to be Saved?


This year, we will be pressing for strong health in our marriages, offering multiple marriage building small groups and a marriage weekend conference at the church.
Mark your calendars for February 14 -15. From Friday evening to Saturday through lunch, Pastor John Crotts will lead us through his book, Tying the Knot Tighter, Because Marriage Lasts a Lifetime. Childcare will be provided.
Please sign up on-line or at the welcome desk. Let's actively press for our marriages to be all the Lord designed them to be, producing joy and sanctification for a lifetime!
The cost for the marriage conference will be $10 per person to offset the cost of the books, food, and childcare.
<a href="" target="_blank">Conference Registration</a>
Marriage Conference Feb 14 & 15, 2025
This year, we will be pressing for strong health in our marriages, offering multiple marriage building small groups and a marriage weekend conference at the church.

Mark your calendars for February 14 -15. From Friday evening to Saturday through lunch, Pastor John Crotts will lead us through his book, Tying the Knot Tighter, Because Marriage Lasts a Lifetime. Childcare will be provided.

Please sign up on-line or at the welcome desk. Let's actively press for our marriages to be all the Lord designed them to be, producing joy and sanctification for a lifetime!

The cost for the marriage conference will be $10 per person to offset the cost of the books, food, and childcare.
Conference Registration
Today is your last chance to place an order. The shop closes at 5:00 pm on Friday, January 31.

All merch will be mailed to Redeemer at one time. Distribution will be in February.

<a href="" target="_blank">Order here</a>
Merch Shop Closes Jan 31 at 5:00 pm
Today is your last chance to place an order. The shop closes at 5:00 pm on Friday, January 31. All merch will be mailed to Redeemer at one time. Distribution will be in February. Order here
Join us for a new monthly Foster and Adopt Support Group. Kickoff meeting is Feb 16, but we will determine regularly scheduled day and time at this meeting.

Childcare available with RSVP to <a href="" target="_blank">Penny</a> by February 2.

Lunch will be provided.
Orphan Care Meeting Feb 16, Noon
Join us for a new monthly Foster and Adopt Support Group. Kickoff meeting is Feb 16, but we will determine regularly scheduled day and time at this meeting. Childcare available with RSVP to Penny by February 2. Lunch will be provided.
Join us for our quarterly worship night. This is open to everyone. You are welcome to bring your instrument.
Worship Night Feb 23, 6:00 pm
Join us for our quarterly worship night. This is open to everyone. You are welcome to bring your instrument.
We will be hosting Nate Akin, the Executive Director of the Pillar Network, on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 6:00pm - 8:30pm.  Nate will share with us his goals for men in the Pillar Network for 2025.  More info to follow.

<a href="" target="_blank">Registration</a>
Men’s Event March 8, 6:00 pm
We will be hosting Nate Akin, the Executive Director of the Pillar Network, on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 6:00pm - 8:30pm. Nate will share with us his goals for men in the Pillar Network for 2025. More info to follow. Registration
Redeemer is updating the Missionary/Law Enforcement prayer wall. If you would like to be included on this wall, please submit your information on the link below. We are asking that your submissions be made by Feb 15.

<a href="" target="_blank">Prayer Wall</a>
Prayer Wall Project
Redeemer is updating the Missionary/Law Enforcement prayer wall. If you would like to be included on this wall, please submit your information on the link below. We are asking that your submissions be made by Feb 15. Prayer Wall
We have a prayer team that would love to pray for you. Come to the welcome desk or send us an email.<a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Prayer Team</a>
We have a prayer team that would love to pray for you. Come to the welcome desk or send us an email.Prayer Team
Do you have questions about baptism, or are you ready to schedule yours? Let us know! See an elder on Sunday, or email us <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #0061fe;">Baptism</a>
Do you have questions about baptism, or are you ready to schedule yours? Let us know! See an elder on Sunday, or email us Baptism
Biblical counseling is one way we can help you during challenging times. Click below to start the process.

<a href="" target="_blank">Application</a>
Biblical counseling is one way we can help you during challenging times. Click below to start the process. Application

Vic Carpenter

Redeemer Elder

What We Can’t Not Know

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

Romans 1:18-20


There has been much talk recently about a return to common sense. There has been a reaction toward radically unreasonable and deeply immoral cultural shifts. The idea that basic things are known by all, or the idea of ‘common sense,’ is a biblical concept which is important to think about. Let’s walk out this thinking.


Human beings are created in God’s image, and as such are created as rational and logical beings. Humanity on the whole makes rational and logical decisions every day. Such decisions preserve life, allow for the accumulation of goods, and societal order. We naturally make decisions that logically make sense. For example, we recoil from decisions that will cause us physical harm. Logically we know that touching a hot stove will not be good for us. Jumping off a building will cause great harm. We should put a coat on before going out on a very cold day. We combine tools and parts logically to build things. We combine ingredients and follow instructions to bake pastries and cakes. We follow the scientific method to advance technology and medicine. These are all global examples of the reasonable and logical nature of humanity.


Beyond this, all human beings also have a resident moral sense that cannot be quenched. This base level moral sense transcends time, cultures, and races. It is the rational mind overlaid with a moral sense. This is natural law. Van Engen states that natural law is, “a moral order divinely implanted in mankind and accessible to all persons through human reason.” Natural moral law is essentially to do good and avoid evil (Matthew 7:12), and the second part of the ten commandments (Exodus 20:12-17). Across all time and nations there has always been, and continues to be, a profound sense that stealing someone else’s possession is wrong. A sense that murdering someone because you hate them is morally wrong. That marriage between a man and a woman is right and sacred, and to dishonor the marriage vow through adultery is wrong. That telling lies may get you what you want for a period, but over time truth will prevail and there will be a moral price to pay for the lies.


Natural moral law is a thing we can’t not know. The return to ‘common sense’ in our day is the rising up of natural moral law. It’s an appeal to the basic moral sense of all people. In the study of theology, natural moral law is closely related to natural revelation. Natural revelation is spoken of clearly in the verses quoted from Romans 1 above. Apart from scripture and the personal ministry of Jesus Christ, God has generally made His person and character known to the world. Sinful people everywhere have a sense that God exists and that they have a soul. Those same people feel real guilt and condemnation in their souls for their daily sinful actions. Even though they work to shape their own morality, they continue to run into the pillars of righteous character established by God.


J. Budziszewski writes, This “reality poses a constant problem for fallen man. He wants to acknowledge some of the truth which presses on him, but taken together it points too strongly to other truth which he resists with all his might. In the end he must deny so many obvious things that the work is just too much. He is like a man in a bathtub, surrounded by dozens of corks, trying to hold all of them down at once. Whenever he pushed one down, another somewhere else pops right back up.” Sinful people everywhere cannot effectively suppress the reality of God and the moral conviction in their hearts that they are guilty before God. Sinful people cannot effectively redefine objective reality or morality. God has established the world and the moral nature of life, and it cannot be moved.


For people, in mass, to reach such an irrational and immoral place as a culture that they recoil back to a position of logical and moral ‘common sense’ is good. However, that position is not the gospel. General revelation will awaken a sense that God exists and that there is right and wrong but does not lead anyone to salvation. The natural moral sense becomes the touch point, or basis upon which we begin to appeal to the conscience more specifically through Scripture. It is because of logic and the common moral sense, that we can know the biblical gospel message of repentance and faith will resonate with the soul.


Through this common ground, many in our day have recoiled from positions of atheism and hedonism as it took them down roads that became impossible to reconcile. However, this is theism, not Christianity. This is moralism, not the gospel. Let us agree with this new moral sense that evil has deeply encroached around us. Let us speak to people about the sin that is resident in their own hearts, but we must press on to clearly proclaim Jesus as Savior! J. Budziszewski writes, “One begins with what people know or intuit already, and one builds on it … One cannot convince people of what they grasp already; one can only draw it out.”


All people need Jesus. Everyone needs a Savior! I am convinced that awareness is already in the heart of every person alive. May we minister the truth of God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ to those around us that they might know clearly who Jesus is. May the moral awakening that is taking place in America lead to a spiritual revival!


May the name of Jesus be lifted up and proclaimed!

Pastor Vic

Connect With Us

Worship With Us

The best place to start is joining us on a Sunday morning. There's nothing like worshiping Jesus together.


We would love for you to leverage your time and talent for God's glory and the good of others by serving at Redeemer!

Connect Groups

Don't get lost in the crowd. Join a Connect Group! Redeemer Connect Groups meet at various times and locations.

Online Resources

We have sermons, studies, podcasts, and playlists that will help you grow spiritually and apply the Bible to your life.

Back to Spiritual Basics

Looking to get into a rhythm of reading the Scriptures, but aren’t sure what to read?
Pastor Vic has put together a 10-week reading plan that will help you grasp the foundational beliefs of the Christian. As you read, you’ll be equipped with questions to ask of any text that will take any study you do to the next level.

See for yourself. Click below to download the reading plan.

Grandpa's Devotions

Mike Patterson, one of our Redeemer elders, has written several devotions for young or young-in-the-faith Christians. If you’re looking for a great new Bible study to do on your own, or perhaps even with your family, Mike has you covered!

And when you finish with Grandpa Devotions, check out his library of Bible studies at