Want to serve?

At Redeemer Bible Church, we rely heavily on a large number of volunteers who love Jesus and sacrificially serve His Church, all for the sake of the Gospel! If you visit Redeemer and enjoy a good cup of coffee or the music in our worship service; if you’re welcomed by a greeter and pointed in the right direction or notice your child is well cared for in Kids ministry – you have been affected by the faithful service of one of our incredible volunteers!

To our volunteers: thank you for using your time and talent for God’s glory and the good of others!

Serve at Redeemer

Set-up & tear-down

Point of Contact: Travis Elkins // This team is responsible for setting up and tearing down various aspects of church life: baptismal, outdoor tents for picnics, stage ramp, re-arranging chairs for special events, etc. Strong hands and a good attitude are all that’s needed.


Point of Contact: Sherry Morgan // Gospel ministry to our children is of the utmost importance. It takes the involvement of the whole church to pull off ministry to kids from birth-grade 5. If you're looking for a place to serve please reach out to our children’s ministry director.

The MEALTRAIN ministry

Point of Contact: Christine Gilmore // Taking a meal to a person in need is an important act of Christian service and love. Redeemer cares about the people in our church and often need meals for new moms, adoptions, foster care placements, surgeries, and deaths. We want to come alongside each other and support one another during these times. Bringing a meal can be a simple way to show the love of Jesus. Please join our team if you have the gift of serving others through making meals.


Point of Contact: Benjamin Cartwright We have opportunities for musicians and singers of all styles. We also have opportunities for younger students to be introduced into the larger music world through youth worship team. 


Point of Contact: Vanessa Simms // Our First Impressions team creates an inviting environment for visitors on Sunday mornings. Members of this team are in the parking lot, in the lobby, in the coffee corner and at our mobile library. If you can smile and offer a welcoming handshake, you’re perfect for this ministry. If you could see yourself in any of these roles, Contact Us


Join our database of volunteers who are willing to help out on service projects. Please send us a message to volunteer and let him know what skill sets you can offer.

Serve the Community

choices women's center

Point of Contact: Melissa Rhoades
Choices Women's Center educates women who think they may be pregnant through ultrasounds, pregnancy testing, and abortion alternatives counseling.

Learn More


Point of Contact: Kristen Frezza
In response to God’s call to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8), Micah Ecumenical Ministries was formed. By partnering with Micah Ministries, we join forces with other believers across our city to assist those whose needs are not being met and build a better community. Micah’s programs have been evolving to offer a greater holistic system of care, including connection to community resources, mental health outreach, disability application assistance, post-hospital respite care, supportive employment, educational advancement, housing placement and re-creation of the support systems necessary for people to stabilize outside of their present crisis.

Serve the World


POC: Dwayne Reynolds
The Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is a North American Mission Board organization that provides relief to those impacted by a disaster, natural or man-made. The organization is managed and deployed at the state level, our organization is with the SBCV. Every volunteer is required to be trained to a basic FEMA standard and have a background check performed. Right now, we are very short on credentialed volunteers. Despite a fairly quiet year last year, Southern Baptists supported over 670,000 volunteer hours, 368,000 meals, shared the gospel over 4,000 times and lead over 920 people to Christ. This year, we are working several disasters in a row in several states. We need volunteers to help with feeding units, flood recovery and chainsaw teams. Training can be completed in one evening. Would you consider volunteering and spending one week at a recovery event?

Mission Rwanda

Redeemer partners with IMB missionaries Josiah and Stephanie Luttrull in Kigali, Rwanda. The Lord is powerfully working in younger generations of Christians in Rwanda and the Luttrull’s are the only IMB missionaries in the country. Please pray for Josiah and Stephanie, and our efforts to support their ministry.

More global mission opportunities to come

Stay tuned.