
Biblical Counter Arguments

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5

 As the world continues to press on us LGBTQ+ Pride month, I will continue to press back with biblical counter arguments. Last week’s article can be found at redeemerVA.org on our church blog. Last week I outlined a basic Christian sexual ethic and position against homosexual and transgender lifestyles. This week I want to provide further resources that I hope will be helpful in speaking to your children, friends, and co-workers about these issues.

I would remind you to start where I left off last week – with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We should not expect people to follow in the ways of Jesus if they do not love Jesus. Begin by introducing people to who Jesus is. You’re wrong to assume that people know who Jesus is or what He taught about anything. Introduce people to the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, but in doing this, don’t skip the hard news about sin and God’s holiness. Tell people your testimony. Tell people how you were once lost in sin and death, until Jesus forgave your sins and gave you new life. Speak of the joy of living according to God’s will!

That said, there is a great divide between the deeply humanistic thinking of so many people today, and the will of God. How are we to bridge this gap in discussion and debate? Below are a few resources I hope will be helpful. First:
We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking truth to a culture redefining sex, marriage, and the very meaning of right and wrong by R. Albert Mohler
I highly recommend this short and very practical book. The first chapters address how as an American culture we have moved so rapidly from a generally Christian sexual ethic to where we are today. This historical overview is not only vital to understand, but will cause you to stop and consider what ground you may have given up in your own life. He then moves into defining Christian ethics, the place and role of religious liberty, and the role of the local church in our present struggle. The book ends with an extended question and answer section. Mohler directly answers many of the most common and thorny questions related to the LGBTQ+ movement in America.
The Gender Spectrum by Sue Bohlin

Raising Gender Healthy Kids by Sue Bohlin
I recommend this series of blog posts by Sue Bohlin, writer for Probe Ministries. In this series of posts Sue specifically relates the conversation to raising gender healthy children. It is vital that we not hide from these issues as we raise our kids. Our children are being bombarded by LGBTQ+ propaganda from every side. We need to understand basics of how to affirm our children in the gender God gave them, and help them grow up into the men and women God would have them to be. I hope these resources are helpful.
May Jesus give us wisdom, courage, and grace,
Pastor Vic