
Crucified With Christ

Crucified With Christ

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20

Many times over the weeks of our meeting together people have gone out of their way to comment on the sense of joy, cooperation, and excitement in the midst of our new church. I also have feel the same way! It’s my favorite time of the week! I want to remind you that this is not without explanation. We pray constantly for the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Every Sunday, in the middle of the service, I pray for more of the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our service. Without the real presence of the Lord with us, our meetings together would be worse than pointless – they would be a fraud. No amount of music or anything I can say of myself will change your heart or satisfy your soul. 

Jesus said that it was to our advantage that he ascend to heaven, because this would result in the sending of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). When we believe in Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit fills us with the presence of Jesus (“Christ who lives in me…”). When many people who love the Lord Jesus gather for the purpose of worshipping Jesus, the sense of His presence in our midst is magnified. We all can sense the nearness of Jesus by his Spirit and the result is joy, peace, friendship, forgiveness, and hope. This is part of the reason why it is good to gather with other Christians for church. It is not a ritual, it’s a joyful gathering for the purpose of exalting Jesus and encouraging one another.

There are a few things we can, and should, do to strengthen and continue the presence of the Holy Spirit in the midst of our church. First, continue in the truth of studying scripture. Our worship of Jesus must be by spirit (real affections and emotions rooted in the heart) and truth (worshipping Jesus as He requires and according to who He really is). The more we learn of Jesus from the scriptures, the more deeply and truly we will be able to worship Him. Second, we must confess our sins and keep short accounts with God (1 John 1:9). Intentionally hidden and unconfessed sin is rebellion. The Bible is full of stories about those who intentionally hide their sin instead of confessing it and being forgiven. The building up of sin in our midst grieves the Lord. Instead, humble yourself that you may be forgiven and not affect God’s blessing upon our entire church. Third, let us put our faith into action by serving each other and those around us. May we be known by the humble service that we offer others. May we be known as those who do not lose our tempers, do not gossip, but serve the weak, take notice of those in need around us, and give generously to meet needs.

There are a few things we can, and should, do to strengthen and continue the presence of the Holy Spirit in our church.

FIRST, continue in the truth of studying scripture. Our worship of Jesus must be in spirit (real affections and emotions rooted in the heart) and truth (worshipping Jesus as He requires and according to who He really is). The more we learn of Jesus from the scriptures, the more deeply and truly we will be able to worship Him.

SECOND, we must confess our sins and keep short accounts with God (1 John 1:9). Intentionally hidden and unconfessed sin is rebellion. The Bible is full of stories about those who intentionally hide their sin instead of confessing it and being forgiven. The building up of sin in our midst grieves the Lord. Instead, humble yourself that you may be forgiven and not affect God’s blessing upon our entire church.

THIRD, let us put our faith into action by serving each other and those around us. May we be known by the humble service that we offer others. May we be known as those who do not lose our tempers, do not gossip, but serve the weak, take notice of those in need around us, and give generously to meet needs.

May the Lord Jesus increase His presence in our midst until there is an awakening in our area like none of us have ever experienced.

Jesus is Lord,