Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  – Joshua 1:8

As we come to the conclusion of 2023 and look forward to what God may have in store for us all in the new year, many will be offering sentiments of a happy and prosperous new year to one another over the next several days.  Unfortunately, many people today do not know how to attain the prosperous life they so desire and hope for.  Just as God shared with Joshua prior to crossing the Jordan River into the promised land He was about to give to the Israelites, for faithful followers of Christ today, blessings that we might hope to attain in the new year can be directly linked to one thing … in short, read and meditate on God’s Word, day and night!

The Westminster Shorter Catechism which was first approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1648 states the chief end of man is “to glorify God, and enjoy him forever.”  And how are we to go about glorifying God and enjoying Him forever?  According to the Shorter Catechism, “The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him.”  The divine commission God shared with Joshua (Joshua 1:1-18), along with these first two questions and statements from the Shorter Catechism, remind us that God’s design for our lives includes knowing and obeying His Word, which requires faithful and deliberate study of the scriptures.

At Redeemer Bible Church, we want to assist in your growth and understanding of the scriptures so we encourage you to review the various bible reading plans referenced on our website (Reading Plan).  Whether you want to read the Bible in a year, build better devotional practices, or trace a particular topic throughout Scripture, the ESV reading plans will help you develop a habit of diving into God’s Word. With varying lengths, topics, and styles, dozens of available plans make it easy to achieve your specific Bible reading goals in the new year.

The beginning of a new year is often a time when many choose to make resolutions about a variety of things including, but not necessarily limited to health and wellness, relationships, or desired career changes/improvements.  While New Year’s resolutions may yield some benefits in the short term, may we be encouraged to pursue eternal rewards by committing to daily bible reading in the new year as we look to strengthen our faith and truly glorify and enjoy God throughout all of 2024!

In Christ,

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