Examine Yourself

“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.”
2 Corinthians 13:5 

You should not presume that all is well between you and God. We live in a time where most people have a very high view of themselves and a very low view of God. This translates into many people justifying their own actions and presuming that God agrees with them, without examining or testing their beliefs or actions before God. In normal human interactions, to charge ahead assuming that what you think is what everyone else also thinks, is known as hubris – or extreme pride. With normal interpersonal relationships, we should enter conversation, ask people about their perspectives, weigh their perspective, and examine our own. When we hear the perspective of others, we are often confronted by things we did not consider, or do not understand. When we carefully consider who God is and His purposes in the world, we will be confronted by things we have never considered and by things we do not understand.

Paul is calling his readers to self-examination. First, every person that calls himself a Christian must examine his confession of faith (what that person believes about God and salvation) according to the Scriptures. Does what you believe about God and salvation align with what the Bible teaches about God and salvation? Or did you make up a version of God that fits your own personal feelings and presuppositions? Our belief must conform to the truth/reality of who God is as revealed in the Bible. If in self-examination, we find that our belief is a mixture of Bible truth, personal opinion, and beliefs from other religions this is a serious problem. It is entirely possible that your lack of self-examination has led you to believe a false gospel and in a false savior that is not the Jesus of the Bible. We must not make up what we believe about Jesus.

Second, examine the fruit of your belief. What does the belief structure of your life produce? What kind of person are you? How do you treat the people around you? The Bible is very clear that those who authentically believe in Jesus will be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and that God’s Spirit will bear fruit (Galatians 5). It will be evident that your heart and person are changed by believing in Jesus as Savior. Fruit of character will come forth: love, joy, peace, kindness, self-control – to name a few. Do you see these beautiful character qualities in your life? Do others see these in your life? Do those closest to you describe you in these ways? If after self-examination, you find a serious and habitual lack of these fruits it should cause you to return to the first level of examination. Do you truly believe in Jesus? Have you reached a place of earnest repentance from sin in your life? Are you working to justify yourself before God, or trusting fully in the atonement of Jesus to justify you before God?

Third, test the fruit of your obedience. You may have right belief and be a joyful person, but are you obeying Jesus in a way that demonstrates holiness? No person will reach perfection before heaven, but through right belief and the work of the Holy Spirit, you can live in a way that is free from life-destroying sins. In Christ you can live free from adultery, free from destroying the relationships around you with anger, free from addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and/or digital media. You can live free from porn, anxiety, and materialism.

This passage says to examine yourself. This is very important. Often, we want to point fingers at others, while we excuse or ignore our own faults. You are responsible first for yourself (Matthew 7:1-5). When you examine your life in an honest way, what do you find? How long has it been since you examined yourself or listened openly to critique of your actions from others that you trust. Has false belief crept in? Has your belief system ever shed false ideas that require change in your life? Does your life demonstrate the fruit of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit? Are you serious about holiness and surrendering all aspects of your life to Jesus – holding nothing back?

At the end of your examination, rest in the grace of God! You must be assured from Scripture that your salvation comes by grace through faith. The saving work that God has begun, and what He has begun He will complete! May you examine yourself honestly and prayerfully so that Jesus may accomplish His will in your life.

May self-examination result in worship,
Pastor Vic

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