Growing in Christ

Growing in Christ

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”
Colossians 3:1-4

The Christian life is a journey of spiritual growth that begins with new birth from above, repentance of sins, and believing in the salvation of Jesus Christ. A permanent transformation takes place at the time of salvation. You are declared ‘not guilty’ before God. You are given a new living nature that desires the things of God. The dominating power of sin is broken in your life. You are adopted into the family of God and given the blessed presence of the Holy Spirit. This is not an end, but a beginning! It is the beginning of the Christian journey of learning about God, so that you might believe what you learn, be transformed by what you believe, then act on the internal change. The Bible calls this process ‘sanctification.’ It’s a lifelong, progressive, active process of learning to obey all the Lord has commanded (Matthew 28:20). By this process of active obedience, you are truly and dramatically changed from a person of the world seeking the things of the world, to a person of heavenly citizenship seeking the things above of eternal importance.

This process of sanctification can be summed up as a four-part process that is ever-repeating: Knowledge –>Faith –> Character –> Action

Knowledge: Your salvation, and then sanctification, begins with right knowledge about who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for you upon the cross. You cannot come to believe in Jesus and His work without knowledge of His person and work. This knowledge comes from the Bible, either directly (personal reading) or indirectly (someone preaching or teaching from the Bible). Our knowledge of God at salvation is sufficient, but elementary. Every growing Christian will continue to study the Bible to learn more about the character and nature God. This primarily comes through daily devotion to personally read the Bible and pray. By scripture and prayer, the Lord will reveal Himself to you.
Faith: The next step of spiritual growth is believing. It is absolutely possible to know much about God, but not believe what you have learned in your mind. Salvation is by faith (believing). Sanctification is also by faith. The more we learn about God the more we must believe about God.
Character: When you learn new truths about God Himself or His will, and you believe these truths, your character changes for the better to become a little more like Jesus. As your character changes your desires change. You will find that you deeply care about things and people that held little or no meaning to you before. As you learn and believe, your character will progressively leave behind the lies, deception, addiction, anger, lust, pride, and cares of this dying world. You will take up love, charity, worship, family, marriage, vocation, and peace.
Action: Change in character leads to change in actions. You will begin to treat others with kindness and respect. You will start telling the truth and stop using obscene and blasphemous language. You will control yourself sexually and in matters of money. You will begin to see the importance of the church gathered. You will want to sing and pray. You will want to help those in need and teach those who know nothing of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, these new desires will become real life-transforming action.
These transformative steps will leave you a different and better person. The good change in your life will drive the process to start over again, but at a higher plane. You will want to learn more about God, so you will study and read and pray more, believing what is learned, such that your character is further refined. This is how you grow in character and your actions grow further in godliness. After decades of this successive growth, you will be a dramatically different from who you used to be (1 Timothy 4:15). We become more like Jesus!
There are impediments to progress. If you stop any part of this process, it will stagnate your spiritual growth. You can reach a place where you stop reading the Bible in an engaged way. When you stop reading the Bible, you stop being engaged by the word of God. Very quickly you will lose your wonder of God and awe of His grace and perfection. God will become like the world in your mind. You will soon convince yourself that God’s ways are basically like your ways. The importance of daily Bible reading and prayer cannot be overstated.
You can also fail to believe what you read. Countless Christians have stalled in their Christian life as they refuse to believe some passages of the Bible that are offensive to them. You should expect to find hard, mysterious, and even offensive knowledge of God along the way. I am referring to clearly taught and long recognized Christian teaching that runs counter to the spirit of the age. Teaching, that if believed, will set you at odds with culture or cause you to trust God in a complete way.
Willful sin by omission or commission will break fellowship with God. When we know what to do, and don’t do it, that is sin. Knowing what should be done, being convicted of right action, but still pressing on into disobedience will stop your spiritual progress in sanctification.
May we cast off every sin that so easily entangles us and pursue knowing, believing, and living for Jesus! To know God and have true fellowship with Him are the most important things in all of life.
Set your mind on Christ who is exalted in glory,
Pastor Vic

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