Mayfield Mission

Mayfield Mission
“As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.”
John 17:18 

This verse is from Jesus’ prayer for His disciples just before He goes to the cross. Jesus was sent into the midst of this sinful world by God the Father for the salvation of sinners. Jesus was Immanuel, which means ‘God with us.’ In a similar way, Jesus commands His disciples to go out into the world bearing His gospel. We are expressly taught by Jesus not to only love those who love us, but to go to the weak, the poor, our enemies, and those who can offer us nothing in return. Going to such people to teach, pray, and serve in Jesus’ name is the basis of Christian mission. All of us should live each day with a mindset of missions, and in various ways strive to go out on mission in more sacrificial ways.
This week we have a group going out from Redeemer Spotsy Village to join with a Samaritans Purse larger effort to help rebuild homes and minister in Jesus’ name to the people of Mayfield, KY. This area was hit some months ago by a massive and devastating tornado. Through death and destruction, the area was ravaged. Those without full insurance lost everything they had. Samaritans Purse took up the effort to rebuild houses for those in need and we are responding to their call for volunteers to help. Our team leaves early this Sunday morning. Many thanks to Mark and Kimberly Alexander for pursuing and putting together this mission opportunity.
Our team:

  • Mark Alexander
  • Sherry Morgan
  • Amy Quann
  • Paul Jany
  • Luke Jany
  • Ethan Jany
  • Nathan Quann
  • Caleb Morgan
  • James Carpenter
  • Viktor Potter
  • Bekah Nichols
  • Avery Jenkins
  • Grace North
  • Hayleigh Vickerman

Please keep this team and those in need in Mayfield, KY in your prayers this week. Please pray for:

  • Harmony and joyful team spirit between all who are on the trip.
  • Opportunity for gospel conversations and prayer with those in KY.
  • The ability to accomplish productive and safe work.
  • Personal spiritual growth and transformation for each team member through missional work.

May the Lord bless the work of their hands,
Pastor Vic

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