
Mission Update

Mission Update

“We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecution and in the afflictions that you are enduring.”
2 Thessalonians 1:3-4    

This week in Rwanda has been tremendous and full of answered prayer. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for us while we are out of country. I’ve been posting daily updates to our church Facebook page. What I have not been able to post there, or write about here, is the strangulation of the Rwandan church through dictatorial government regulation. It’s death by a 1,000 cuts. We’ll talk more about this when we are together in person. For now, pray for the Christians here, and pray for the Luttrull’s mission to this country. Pray that both will know how best to share the share the Gospel with boldness and wisdom.

On another note, I have been thankful throughout this week to be able to speak about the vibrant health of our church. I am thankful for your growing faith, increasing brotherly love, and steadfast Christian character. I am thankful for what God is doing in our church, so that I might go to other places and encourage them with what is possible. I’m able to speak with people about what the Lord is doing in our time and under the current world situation in realities, not possibilities. It is greatly encouraging for people to hear what the Lord is doing at Redeemer. We didn’t just read about these things in a book but have lived them and seen them happen by the power of the Holy Spirit in our town.        

Important Note:
Josiah and Stephanie Luttrull, the missionaries we are visiting in Rwanda, are looking for in-country missionary partners for the next two years. The IMB has approved a position for a married couple, or two single men, to assist in the work of teaching and church-planting missions for two years. This posting is fully funded by the IMB. Do you feel the call of God to be involved in foreign missionary work in Africa? Here’s your open door! I’ll be talking more about this when we return and pressing to see if God will fill these positions from Redeemer.  

Sermon this Sunday:
Many thanks to Bob Sawyer for filling the pulpit this Sunday. I am announcing this sermon because I know it will be of particular value to the church. Bob will be preaching from Ephesians 6:1-4 which speaks to Christian parenting. In an age when almost every cultural force is pulling our children away from Christ, this is vitally important teaching. We must struggle, according to God’s will, against the spirit of this age to see our children come to salvation and grow up in godliness. With four godly children and four grandchildren, Bob and Kim have much practical experience in this area as Christian parents. Sometimes the task of Christian parenting can be very discouraging. I urge you to come so that you can be both instructed and encouraged by God’s word in your Christian parenting.
May the Lord Jesus strengthen His church in Rwanda,
Pastor Vic