Ravi Zacharias (1946-2020)

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

This past week, Ravi Zacharias passed away, and is now with our Lord Jesus in glory. He held fast his confession of faith and lived a virtuous life in Christ – to his last day. This is worth celebrating and noting, in a day when news is so often dominated by those who are falling away from the faith. 

Ravi Zacharias was born and raised in India, under a completely non-Christian worldview. Once Ravi came to salvation, the Lord called him to use his tremendous God-given intellect and eloquence to help the lost world understand how the salvation of Jesus Christ is the answer to their heart struggles and separation from God. Ravi lectured all over the world for decades at top universities and large conferences, inspiring people from many cultures to consider the claims of Christ as truth. 

Ravi was not only a brilliant intellect, but a godly and faithful man in his personal character. The two must be joined together for a complete Christian life. It is the passionate mind and the virtuous life together that God blesses and uses most for His kingdom and glory.

If you have never listened to any of Ravi’s talks, or read any of his books, I strongly recommend them to you. Two of my favorites are Jesus Among Other God’s and Deliver Us From Evil. May his life be an inspiration to us all.

He who has promised is faithful,

Pastor Vic