RBC Mission Trip Application "*" indicates required fields Full Name* Email* Phone Number* Are you a follower of Jesus* Yes No Provide a brief statement of faith and salvation experience*Are you a member of Redeemer Bible Church?* Yes No Does your connect group leader know of your interest in serving as a missionary?* Yes No What RBC ministries are you currently involved in and describe your role in these ministries?*Are you willing to raise financial support and develop a team of prayer partners?* Yes No Have you been baptized by immersion? If not, are you open to being baptized by immersion?* Yes, I have been baptized by immersion No, but I’m willing to be No, I don’t think that’s necessary for serving Do you naturally prefer working by yourself or on a team?* By myself On a team Are you willing to be vaccinated if required by the destination country?* Yes No Which ministry category are you looking for?* Short term (1 week to 1 year) Journeyman (2 to 3 years) Full Time (Long term) Briefly describe any missionary experience you already have.*Briefly describe why you want to be a missionary.*Have you received any evangelism training in the last two years? Yes No If you have received evangelism training over the last two years, please describe it.* Δ