All plans and renderings developed by Architect John Burger

Redeemer Bible Church - Prelim Design 3D Views

Redeemer Bible Church Preliminary Design

Give to Redeemer Bible Church

As the Lord has grown His church it has become necessary to build a larger and permanent building. This is an exciting time of growth in the church, and a phase that you can directly participate in through giving. Please pray about what you might contribute to this building project. This will be a building centrally located in the Spotsylvania Courthouse area used for the purpose of preaching the gospel, teaching the Bible, making disciples, and a place of community for the church.
We will build this building when the Lord provides the means through gifts great and small – each proportional to the giver and precious in God’s sight. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Please be in prayer for this process and that the Lord would lead in every step for His own glory.