Sexual Morality

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Romans 12:21

It is necessary every June to push back against the moral decline of our world and restate the position on sexual ethics biblical Christians have held for thousands of years. God’s position on the morality of sex has not changed since creation. Human beings have perverted God’s plan and purposes in sexuality in every way imaginable, until our day where now perversion has reached new lows through modern medical technology.

The Bible teaches a single, simple, straightforward sexual morality: sexual acts are only pure and right between a single biological male and a single biological woman within the bond of marriage. Any other perversion of this original design is sinful, rebellion against the will of God, and will lead to the sad consequences of sin.

All morality is defined by God. God decides in His person what is right and what is wrong. God created human beings and in so doing created sexuality. He created the biology of it, the pleasure of it, the child-bearing outcome of it, and their bounds within a lifetime of committed marriage. Sex is a moral action. The Bible is abundantly clear on this (Genesis 2:24-25, 19:1-29, 34:1-31, Exodus 20:14, 2 Samuel 11-12, Matthew 5:27-32, John 8:11, Acts 15:20, 29, Romans 1:24-32, 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:16, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, Revelation 21:7-8, and many more passages). Our culture is doing everything possible to move sexuality into a non-moral category arguing that sex is purely an expression of personal pleasure and taste. The argument is that people should be able to express their sexual desires in any way they choose without consequence is similar to a person eating any type of food they enjoy without consequences. But God has declared sex to be a moral issue of right and wrong, guilt and innocence; therefore, it will always be a moral matter.

In our hearts we know this is true. We know that the pursuit of unrestrained pleasure, especially unrestrained sexual pleasure, will destroy us. What God has created is best, and we cannot improve upon it. This is the nature of perversion. To pervert something is to twist it from its original form, both in substance and morality. To alter sexual expression changes its form of heterosexual marriage commitment and changes its moral character from blessing to inescapable consequences.

As the world runs headlong into perversion and self-destruction, let us overcome evil with good. As Christians let us hold high and passionately the goodness and peace of the sexuality of Christian marriage. I say peace because the sexuality of Christian marriage produces bonded stability in marriage. It produces children (biological or adopted) which make families. Families committed to the ways of Jesus over generations produce stability and peace. Stable and peaceful generations produce stable and peaceful societies. On the other hand, the rampant sexual perversion and unrestrained sexual expression of our day produce a hedonistic chaos that tears down everything just stated. Peaceful families and stable societies cannot grow out of the current direction of our culture in rebellion against God.

As Christians, may we focus on overcoming evil with good. A few suggestions for you to consider:

  • Raise your children to accept and live in joyful harmony with the gender God gave them.
  • Learn to accept and be thankful for the unchangeable aspects of your person, believing that God made you for a purpose.
  • Raise your children with a clear biblical sexual ethic that is serious, but also positive and hopeful.
  • Celebrate biblical marriage to your children by living it out before them and raising them with a faith filled hopefulness that they too will one day enter this norm.
  • Celebrate and support, in your family and in the church, appropriately young marriage.
  • Commit to sexual abstinence before marriage.
  • In most cases seek to be married, then be absolutely committed to your spouse in sexual faithfulness.
  • Rejoice in the goodness of children and desire them within marriage.
  • Protect the lives of all unborn children beginning with their conception.

As Christians, let us struggle against the out-of-control sexual sinfulness of our age by living lives of joyful virtue, self-control, commitment, loyalty, generational family, and godly love. May you not live a life of rebellion against God, for no good thing can come from provoking your Creator.  May we live lives that honor God so that we may be blessed by the Lord Jesus as we live.

  • Pastor Vic

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