The Pattersons

Mike & Arden Patterson are originally from Ohio. Mike served in the US Navy for 31 years as a Navy dentist, and Arden faithfully followed him around the world doing the lion’s share of raising two kids. Both trusted Christ as their Savior at their first duty station a long time ago. 

They retired in 2002, settled into their home in Pensacola, FL and directed a ministry to the military for 10 years. In 2014, six grandkids pulled them to VA.  After being led to Spotswood Baptist Church, they sensed God’s leading to join the effort to plant Redeemer Bible Church.  

Mike & Arden are excited to be part of the leadership team, to be able to exercise their spiritual gifts and especially look forward to many unsaved and unchurched people from the local area being drawn to worship with them. Mike will be giving leadership and oversight to the church’s ministry of prayer, and Arden will be leading our Women’s ministry!