Bible Reading Resolution

Bible Reading Resolution

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than fine gold, Even much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honey comb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:7-11

As we come to the beginning of a new year, I encourage you to consider resolutions for 2021. Resolutions are often a joking matter, but the lives of many great people in the past have been marked by making serious resolutions. Resolutions show a planned determination for the future, a determination to put away past bad habits or begin new good habits. In our own strength, these plans often fail, but when our resolutions are led by the Lord for the sanctification of your soul, they can be life-changing.

These kinds of resolutions are strengthened by the Holy Spirit and become an important source of life change.

I encourage you this year to make a resolution related to Bible reading in 2021. I encourage you to do this prayerfully, intentionally, and with a plan. If daily Bible reading is a new discipline for you, I suggest that you start modestly. When you first determine to get in shape, you must work up to running miles by first walking miles! To read chapters of the Bible regularly, you must first learn to read verses of the Bible daily.

I have included a section of Psalm 19 to remind you of the treasure that we have in God’s Word. The revelation that we have of God to us is the most important thing we could possibly consider each day. Reading God’s Word daily will teach you truth, remind you of truth you have forgotten, make you wise, teach you right from wrong (discernment), encourage your soul, give you perspective, and draw you near to the presence of the Holy Spirit.

To help you in this endeavor, we have added a page of Bible reading plans to the church website. You can access the various plans we have by clicking here ( . I challenge you to choose one that interests you and makes sense for how much you have been reading the Bible in the past. If you have not been in the habit of reading the Bible – this is the year to start! If you have fallen out of the habit, now is the time to pick back up this essential spiritual discipline.

Make this resolution a matter of prayer. Ask for the Holy Spirit to give you the personal discipline to act and the insight daily to understand what you are reading. As you draw near to the Lord, He will draw near to you. Your personal relationship with the Lord will deepen, and this habit will become an essential part of your day.

May the Lord watch over you in 2021, and nourish your soul from His eternal Word,

Pastor Vic

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