
Rwanda Mission Trip

Rwanda Mission Trip

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations …”  Matthew 28:18a

We’re off to Rwanda! I’m writing this waiting for our plane to depart Dulles. Please pray for me, Clay Hicks, Rodney Swann, and Coleson Herron this week as we strive to obey the missionary call of Jesus. Below is our itinerary for the week. Please print it off and pray for us as you have opportunity. By prayer, you truly partner with us and undergird these efforts. All fruit and progress in ministry comes from the Lord by His Holy Spirit. The same Lord Jesus reigns in Kigali, Rwanda as in Spotsylvania, Virginia!
Friday: Arrive in Kigali and go to hotel for required quarantine. We cannot be released from quarantine without a clear COVID test. Please pray for a clear test.
Saturday: Depart hotel for airbnb near the Luttrull home. Visit with and encourage IMB missionaries Josiah and Stephanie Luttrull, and their four boys. Get bearings for a week of ministry. Coleson will join a local church to practice with their worship team.
Sunday: Vic will preach at one local church through an interpreter, and Coleson will help lead musical worship at another local church. After service, we’ll fellowship with and start getting to know local Christians.
Monday / Tuesday: We will be going out into a more rural location to teach a group of rural pastors and Christian leaders. These brothers and sisters have a very basic understanding of Christianity. Vic, Clay, and Rodney will rotate throughout the day teaching, and Coleson will lead in worship. This teaching will be done through an interpreter.

Wednesday / Thursday: We will be teaching a group of thirty urban pastors in the city of Kigali. They will have gathered from various places for two days of prayer, teaching, and worship. This will be a more seasoned group of pastors, and teaching will be in English.
Friday: We will begin the day at the child food assistance charity. This Christian charity feeds hungry children and shares Jesus with them. We will be delivering the total gift collected ($327) from our children during VBS and, in Jesus’ name, giving it to these needy children. It will supply meals for approximately a week.

We will then meet with a group of young Christians interested in planting churches outside Kigali. We’ll take questions and speak to them about what God is doing at Redeemer, and how to form a biblical New Testament church.

This day will end with the first session of a community teaching session. Approximately sixty people will gather for teaching from Vic, Clay, and Rodney, and Coleson will again lead us in worship.
Saturday: We will complete the seminar by lunch, sign-off with the Luttrulls, then head for the airport.
We love you all. See you soon!
May the gospel of Jesus Christ go forth in power,
Pastor Vic

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